Cybersecurity Expert Talks

  • Data security in healthcare with UEBA
    UEBA Jun 27, 2024 7 min

    Data security in healthcare with UEBA

    Data security in healthcare is of immense importance due to the sensitive nature of the data involved and the increasing frequency of cyberattacks targeting the healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations hold vast amounts of protected health information (PHI)

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  • The strategic importance of SIEM in cybersecurity
    SIEM Feb 26, 2024 6 min

    The strategic importance of SIEM in cybersecurity

    Forget fortune tellers, the future of cybersecurity is staring right at us in the form of security information and event management (SIEM) platforms. SIEM is no longer just a tech buzzword; these systems are becoming indispensable tools for businesses of all sizes.

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  • How cron jobs can be con jobs
    SIEM Feb 16, 2024 7 min

    How cron jobs can be con jobs

    Routines like data backups, cache clearing, and other tasks can easily be managed with task automation tools. Task schedulers, cron jobs, and similar automation utilities help administrators achieve just that. Once these automations are scheduled, an array of administrative tasks are executed without missing a beat.

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  • 10 cybersecurity misconfigurations your SOC team must be wary about
    SIEM Feb 02, 2024 6 min

    10 cybersecurity misconfigurations your SOC team must be wary about

    Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, was put forth by the Italian economist, Vilfredo Pareto. It states that 80% of the consequences come from 20% of the causes, be it positive or negative. Though it isn't a proven law, the Pareto rule has been empirically observed in numerous facets of business.

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  • Securing your Active Directory against chaos
    Attack detection Jan 30, 2024 8 min

    Securing your Active Directory against chaos

    Expert Talks HomeAttack DetectionSecuring your Active Directory against chaos Have you come across chaos theory? Chaos theory, summarized by Edward Lorenz, an American mathematician, addresses the behavior of complex systems like weather and the stock market. It can also be applicable to the human brain, another complex system.

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Featured Articles

  • phishing-malware-valentines-day-2022
    SIEM Nov 08, 2023 6 min

    Cyber detective: Hunting for threats in the digital wilderness

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  • 5 cognitive biases that affect your cybersecurity decisions
    SIEM Jun 28, 2022 6 min

    5 cognitive biases that affect your cybersecurity decisions

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  • Calculating the cost savings of a SIEM solution
    SIEM Nov 04, 2022 6 min

    Calculating the cost savings of a SIEM solution

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  • Cyber swachh Bharat: Cybersecurity policies over the last 76 years in India
    SIEM Aug 14, 2023 6 min

    Cyber swachh Bharat: Cybersecurity policies over the last 76 years in India

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New Posts

  • SIEM 6 min

    Is your organization HIPAA compliant? Calculate your HIPAA compliance score to find out

  • Common indicators of compromise every SOC team should watch out for

  • Attack surface expansion: A closer look


About Expert Talks

Organizations nowadays need to upgrade their threat detection and response capabilities. Lack of experience and knowledge about the current cybersecurity landscape can cost you millions of dollars. But with a strong security strategy, it's definitely possible to prevent that from happening.

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  • The strategic importance of SIEM in cybersecurity
    SIEM Feb 26, 2024 6 min

    The strategic importance of SIEM in cybersecurity

    Forget fortune tellers, the future of cybersecurity is staring right at us in the form of security information and event management

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  • How cron jobs can be con jobs
    SIEM Feb 16, 2024 7 min

    How cron jobs can be con jobs

    Routines like data backups, cache clearing, and other tasks can easily be managed with task automation tools. Task schedulers, cron jobs, and similar

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  • 10 cybersecurity misconfigurations your SOC team must be wary about
    SIEM Feb 02, 2024 6 min

    10 cybersecurity misconfigurations your SOC team must be wary about

    Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto Principle, was put forth by the Italian economist,

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Attack detection

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  • Securing your Active Directory against chaos
    Attack detection Jan 30, 2024 8 min

    Securing your Active Directory against chaos

    Have you come across chaos theory? Chaos theory, summarized by Edward Lorenz,

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  • Common indicators of compromise every SOC team should watch out for
    Attack detection Jan 23, 2024 8 min

    Common indicators of compromise every SOC team should watch out for

    Forensics are an integral part of discovering how a cybercrime took place.

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  • The shell game: A deep dive into detecting PowerShell attacks—Part 3
    Attack detection Dec 14, 2023 8 min

    The shell game: A deep dive into detecting PowerShell attacks—Part 3

    Have you ever seen a shell game being played? Nobody but the swindler

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Cloud Security

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  • The high price of careless cloud app usage
    Cloud Security May 11, 2022 4 min

    The high price of careless cloud app usage

    If you believe internal attacks are caused only by malicious insiders, think again. According to a Ponemon Institute report from 2022, employee...

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  • CASBs for multi-cloud
    Cloud Security Apr `5, 2022 4 min

    CASBs for multi-cloud

    Security is a big issue IT teams face when it comes to multi-cloud management. A cloud access security broker (CASB) provides organizations with a much-needed opportunity...

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  • Shedding light on shadow IT and data exfiltration with CASB
    Cloud Security Feb 10, 2022 5 min

    Shedding light on shadow IT and data exfiltration with CASB

    The days when employees and assets functioned only within the company network are long gone. Now, all that is required is a username and password...

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Data Security

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  • Are you prepared to protect your organization's AI against data poisoning?
    Data Security Dec 18, 2023 6 min

    Attack surface expansion: A closer look

    In the cybersecurity landscape, attack surface expansion isn't a new concept. Organizations with a digital presence..

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  • Anticipating the future: Top 10 cybersecurity trends for 2024
    Data Security Dec 08, 2023 5 min

    Anticipating the future: Top 10 cybersecurity trends for 2024

    It's time to discuss the various trends forecast to shape cybersecurity in the next 365 days. Tech developments like generative AI

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  • Maintaining mental well-being: The key to sustainable cybersecurity success
    Data Security Nov 08, 2023 5 min

    Maintaining mental well-being: The key to sustainable cybersecurity success

    For many years, security analysts have consistently prioritized..

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  • The importance of anomaly modeling when discerning user behavior
    UEBA June 27, 2024 7 min

    Data security in healthcare with UEBA

    Data security in healthcare is of immense importance due to the sensitive nature of the data involved and the increasing frequency of cyberattacks targeting the healthcare industry.

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  • One user, one risk score: User identity mapping in UEBA
    UEBA Jul 13, 2023 5 min

    One user, one risk score: User identity mapping in UEBA

    Any employee within a company may access operating systems, devices, and applications, but with different usernames and credentials.

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  • How does risk scoring in anomaly detection work?
    UEBA Apr 24, 2023 8 min

    How does risk scoring in anomaly detection work?

    The risk appetite of every organization is different, because they all differ in what they consider to be risky and how much...

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Threats in three minutes

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    Conti ransomware

    Conti is a ransomware-as-a-service affiliate program associated with Russian threat actors. The developers of this ransomware sell or lease their ransomware technology...

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    Apache Log4j vulnerability

    Logging is a fundamental feature of software. A flaw in Log4j, a Java-based logging utility, has been deemed as one of the most high-profile security risks...

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    US government probes VPN hack within federal agencies

    On April 29, 2022, the United States government investigated a hack against federal agencies...

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